Frequently Asked Questions


Won't I lose functionality or flexiblity?

No. Everything you can do with Django's standard class based views you can also do with django-vanilla-views. The migration guides cover all the bits of API that have been removed, and explain how you can easily achieve the same functionality with vanilla views.

Can I still use mixin classes?

Sure. The django-vanilla-views package doesn't happen to use mixin classes, but there's no reason you shouldn't do so in your own code. Overuse of mixin classes can make for poor style, but when used in moderation they're a powerful and useful tool.

Can I use decorators with Vanilla views?

Yes. Using decorators with django-vanilla-view is exactly the same as using decorators with Django's regular class-based view. You can wrap the decorator in the URL conf, like so:

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^create-report/', login_required(CreateReportView.as_view())),

Alternatively you can apply a decorator to a view class itself, by wrapping the dispatch method:

class CreateReportView(CreateView):
    model = Report

    def dispatch(self, *args, **kwargs):
        return super(CreateReportView, self).dispatch(*args, **kwargs)

I've already learnt Django's GCBVs, is this worth my time?

Absolutely. The API presented by django-vanilla-views is pretty simple so it shouldn't take you long to get up and running with it. The generic class based views are the bread and butter of our web sites, and the small investment in time you'll make learning django-vanilla-views should pay of quickly as you'll be using simpler, more obvious views throughout.

Is it stable?

The django-vanilla-views package has issued a 1.0 release and now has a formal deprecation policy. You should be free to use it knowing that package upgrades will be fully documented and will not break API compatibility between releases. We also have 100% code coverage and fully intend to quickly deal with any issues reported.


Isn't a mixin-less style less DRY?

Actually not really. The base views and the model views do share some common implementation, but there's only a very small amount of duplication.

It's also worth noting that Django's existing class based views also include duplication despite being implemented using a mixin style. For example, both SingleObjectMixin and MultipleObjectMixin implement a functionally identical get_queryset() method.

What about seperation of concerns?

The base classes used by vanilla views include a small core set of functionality. In the author's opinion there's no real practical issue introduced here, and the design trade-off should favor simplicity of implementation.

It's also worth noting that Django's existing class based views also include unused methods in base classes despite being implemented using a mixin style. For example, CreateView inherits from SingleObjectMixin and includes get_object() which is never used.